March 30, 2010


I decided I should blog about what they found out about my sugar problems. Because I am sure there are millions out there that are just waiting in anticipation, heehee ya right. But for those of you who do read this I am going to give you good news and let you know my sugar levels came back normal. Not sure why I was spilling sugar in my urine but Doc. says it doesn't matter as long as my blood levels are good. YAY. I go in again tomorrow for my weekly tests. Hopefully they go by reasonably quickly.

On a positive note for me I was able to get my carseat and stroller. I have been eyeing a set for 3 months now but it was just sooooo ridiculously expensive. Leave it to me to want the most expensive one. Anyways so it kept going on and off decent sales and than the price kept dropping and dropping so I knew it was going to get clearanced out but I still didn't have money for that right now. Well little blessing for me came in disguise of the republican party. Most of you know that my mom is running for election to County Clerk. After the caucus night last Tuesday they had to enter in all the names of delegates and attendees that were there. Unfortunately for the republican party all the peeps who usually do this are all running for election and conflict of interest says they can't be involved. Which left me, daughter of a famous politician (heehee) with lots of free time to put in these 500 names of attendees. After spending 3 days on my project I turned the papers in and they gave me a gift card in appreciation. Not just any gift card but a gift card to cover the price of my stroller/carseat completely!! Yay for blessings. So now I have ordered it and it should be here on Monday. I may find a doll and take it on walks around the block just to break in the stroller before baby gets here..........


Leslie Garbanati said...'re a blogger now! Yeah for you! I love the picture of your sweet. I have a thing for hands.

Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

hooray for a healthy mommy! Keep hanging in there kiddo, I love you