March 11, 2010

Keeping up.

I feel like I have finally gotten on top of all the things I say I am going to do and than I look around and realize that what may be done is nowhere near what needs to be done. It's all about keeping up in my life. I feel that if I can just wish it I can have it, if only wishes were fishes... ya ya I know.

On a sidenote I am working again. Not much just 3 days a week at the local scrapbook store. It has been alot of fun so far and great for me to be out doing something again. Josh's work has him running all over and tied up so much that he has become my little workaholic. That is fine as long as by May they let him slow down a little. We went to Josh's brother and his wife's baby blessing, well rather we found the place in time to have the sacrament. Sorry guys we really really tried to be there!! Then last Sunday my sister had her baby blessed. It has been a crazy couple of weeks and I am glad for a day off, how lame is that? I am too exhausted to be working full time so I am glad that I won't ever be asked to!!

I go to the Doctor weekly now, which doesn't feel like much of a change because I swear I have already been going weekly for something or other. We are just running tests and checking on baby often, everything still seems to be going okay. I start my non-stress tests next week and depending on how those go I may be up to going twice a week to the Doctor. It is a good thing everybody at the Doctor's office is very friendly or I would be one irritated grumpy lady!!!

The funniest thing I hear lately is when people tell me that I must be so tired of being pregnant. I want to laugh and say "really? ya think?" it's one of those questions that seems obvious to me! Hopefully my manners can last another 8 weeks.

This basically shows my exact daily sentiments.

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