February 3, 2010

The reliable unhireable.........

Yes, that would be me. I am not a hireable person.........

Note to self that job hunting while 6 months pregnant is going to severely deter prospective employers from hiring you. I know the economy is bad and even in a good economy a pregnant person such as myself would have a hard time getting a job. So if I haven't found a job by the end of the month I will just give up and wait until after the baby is born. Until than my mom thinks I should make things and sell them. What should I make and sell? I have nooooooooo idea. Any ideas???????


Matt and Serenity Stewart said...

If we lived closer I bet we could come up with something to make and sell. I am thinking like the vinyl letter boards or quotes or digital scrapbooking. There is alot of things you could do

Cason and Katie Jo Chambers said...

Elise- I am happy to hear that everything is going great with this pregnancy!! Congratulations on the BABY GIRL! :) As far as what to make and sell...you've got me stumped!

Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

you should make some tutus, they are really pretty easy, I have figured out how to do them really fast and they are really big and full, I notice on craigslist and ebay they go for about 25.00, and I think you can make them for alot less! I know you will come up with something terrific, just enjoy this time you have before your sweet little baby is here! Love you guys