January 28, 2010


Josh has been telling me for a month to update our blog. I told him if he wanted it updated so bad than he could just do it himself lol. Well obviously he didn't so here I am in the middle of the night blogging away!!

We are officially moved to Utah. Hooray!! I actually have loved staying with my mom, it has been great to be back near her after so many years away. My sister had her baby right before Christmas so we get to listen to her alot. And trust me, it is hard NOT to listen. She is currently dealing with a colic phase. Josh stresses out quite a bit about his cute little niece. I have to remind him that other than a few remedies my sister can try there isn't much even doctors can do about colic. It definitely is getting in alot of practice for the both of us!

I will be honest though, it is not fun listening to her cry. Everyone tells us we will be sooo practiced at parenting when our baby gets here. Honestly, I don't care if I am good or not as long as I get the chance to try this time. So bring on the failures as a parent, I will appreciate every last one of them!!

Speaking of the unborn child of ours we have picked out a name for this child. If you are not a facebook friend than you may not have heard that......................

As for the name you will just have to know someone who may know the answer to that. I feel like being tight lipped for the moment!!

After we had our ultra sound we were soooooooooooooooooooooo relieved. I can't emphasize the so enough there. The ultra sound specialist found no abnormalities and no echogenic bowel. I felt like crying right than and there at the doctors. Now we still don't know the cause of Addie's death so I am still being monitored like a hawk. I have already gone in twice more this month since the ultra sound and I go again next week. Following that appointment I have an appointment to get poked with a giant needle. This is going to help the baby's lungs mature faster in case of early delivery. I can honestly say I am freaking out, I do NOT want to be poked!! I know, I know, its all for the baby. I hereby forbid people telling me that and that it is all for a good cause. Instead you must feel sorry for me and the giant needle going to be stabbed in my belly, heehee.

Other than that our lives are really doing well. Josh's job here in Utah is good for him despite it not being quite as wonderful as we had hoped. He started later than they said he would, the lady who hired him was a real flake, and didn't get the 40 hours a week promised to him. After the whole stress of that he is finally working about 30 hours a week and looking for a job. As my dad says "nothing ever turns out the way it was supposed to", and we are definitely seeing that. On the bright side we both had interviews today for jobs and our crossing our fingers. I won't say what they were for (I don't want to jinx it) but I will keep everyone posted on what we hear back!!

P.S. they fired the flaky lady who hired Josh, thats karma for you!!


The Neads said...

glad all is well with the baby.. keep us updated.. glad you go to Utah safely too.. I have never really met you, but I love ya all ready.. you are funny and sweet and spiritual..

Shayle said...

Yeah, for a sweet baby girl! You guys are being so brave, and I know this sweet angel is coming into a wonderful family/home. Keep us posted on how your doing, we love you both.

Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

I love you Elise, and I am sorry you have to have a big old shot, I understand completely, I had to go through several things like that with Ethan, not fun, especially for those of us that hate needles! I am so happy that our sweet little baby girl is doing so well! Hugs and kisses to you and Josh!

natemann said...

I had the big old shot in my belly it wasn't so bad. They have you on an ultrasound machine so I just took that time to look at my sweet babies!!!! Good luck