August 15, 2008

The Test of Faith...

It has been awhile since we have updated our blog and I figured its about time that we update everyone on our lives. I had the wonderful opportunity to play the piano for Josh in sacrament meeting a couple of weeks ago. He sang "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" he did such a beautiful job that Deanne had us sing it again for everyone the Saturday after Serenity's wedding. It was a wonderful experience I am extremely stage fright and have avoided playing for many years but Josh finally moved me to do it. And of course Josh's lovely voice covered up any of my mistakes.

We also had the opportunity to go thru the temple with Serenity and attend the Sealing of her and Matt. What a beautiful day it was and such a happy thing for them.

Many people have been asking how my pregnancy is going. To be honest, not very good. I have had alot of sickness often carrying thru the whole day. But sickness I can handle. It was just in the last couple of weeks that I started spotting. To me an amateur any blood at all is no good. But my doctor and nurse says it is completely fine. I still struggle with it afraid I am going to lose the baby but in my heart I know I have to have faith in the answer I have been given thru prayers and blessings that everything is fine. What a true test for me, when all I want is answers now the answers my prayers give me is to be patient and have faith everything is fine. It is never a surprise that the Lord tests us in the hardest ways, how would we ever learn if he only tried our strengths? Patience is never been one of my best qualities and the complications with the pregnancy have me relying completely on patience and faith. Thank you everyone for all your prayers, I appreciate everyone being so supportive in this waiting game to see what will come out of this struggle.


The Nicks Family said...

I bet you both did an awesome job with the music! That is so fun that did that!! I wish I could have been there to hear it!

As for the pregnancy I am so sorry that you are sick, and I hope you get through this stage of pregnancy soon! As for the spotting, I have heard it is totally normal to do this. Not that hearing that takes away the worry, because I totally understand you being worried, it is normal. I am praying that everything is fine! Thanks for updating us! *HUGS*

Unknown said...

I wish we were able to be at the wedding! But I heard it was beautiful!

I am sorry your pregnancy is stressful right now! I spotted a lot during the 1st trimester with both my pregnancies and I know how scary it is! But the lord only gives you what you can handle and I know he loves you and will take care of you! As for the morning sickness, I was always grateful for it, because I was told it is a little reminder that everything is ok with your baby! Even though being sick is never fun! Good luck and we will keep you and your cute family in our prayers! Love ya!

The Neads said...

hi! I really wanted to congratulate you, but I know you don't know who I am.. You'll have to ask Josh... I am really his long lost sister..
I am sooo excited you guys are going to have a baby. I am expecting my 4th, I am about 17 weeks along. I have never been sick with any of them except this one.. and it is awful. So I totally know what you are going through.
I missed you two's wedding because I was living in Virginia during the time and could not make it back. I was going to be at Serenity's wedding, but I was sooo sick... (with this crazy pregnancy.)
So I haven't been able to meet any of my new in laws. It's killing me. Hopefully we can get to know each other through e-mail or something. or check out my blog...
Good luck with your pregnancy...
Tell Josh "hi" and that I love him a lot.
Love ya

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

Hey guys
I just got a new blog it is I think I might put my blog on private so let me know what your E-mail is!! Thanks Kortnee (Nelson) Woolstenhulme

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

I spotted a little bit with both of my kids and I was really scared to, but it can be normal. Have faith in the Lord!! We will keep you in our prayers.
Love Kortnee