April 2, 2009

I was thinking about it and decided it was probably a good time for a new post. Honestly we have been swamped with everything. We moved into our new home 3 weeks ago Saturday, and we love every bit of it. Royce and Deanne came up the weekend before we moved and helped get our old apartment up to par so the actual move would be easier on us. My dad, brothers, and grandfather, oh and of course Josh did all the moving on Saturday. With the help of my grandma and stepmother we got almost everything unpacked in those first couple of days. It feels nice to be all settled in.

As far as baby Addie goes we haven't really heard anything new, which isn't surprising for the most part we will just have to be patient and wait til she is born. I do have to schedule an ultra-sound in the next couple of days where they will just check her bowel again. She is kicking good and hard now all the time. Josh finally got to feel it a week or so ago and let me know that he was so glad because he was getting completely jealous that I got to feel her move all the time. It made me laugh pretty good especially when I reminded him I get to feel everything all the time, not just her moving around.

On a sad note our family had a bit of a blow, my uncle passed away unexpectedly this last friday. He had lived a very hard life full of drugs and alcohol, yet recently he sobered up and gave our family a good 6 months of sobriety. He slipped back into old habits in the last week or so of his life which caused his death. It was very hard to watch all the members of my family and their grief, knowing that he died this way. I hope that if anything comes out of his passing at all, it will be that others may recognize their own addictions and seek for help before it overtakes their life.

One last tid bit is that Josh has decided to apply for the management position at the group home he currently works at. He has been a shift supervisor for a long time now and we are hopeful that he will get this promotion. We will let you know as soon as we hear anything :D


Sarah and Trent said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle. It's at those times when I realize how truly grateful I am for the gospel and plan of salvation.

ON a happier note, good luck with the job and the kickin'!

Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

I am so sorry for your family, it is sad when someone has fought for so long to get things right and then slips. Especially for it to end that way! Give your mom an extra hug for me. I am so glad Addie is kicking you, it means she is getting stronger all the time, and I am sorry for Josh that he doesn't get to share in that fun part, but his turn will come, in the middle of the night, when exhaustion has overcome you and you just can't do it any more. That's the fun thing about parenthood it's a shared experience! Love ya

Danalin said...

Congrats on your move and on the baby getting more and more active. When I was pregnant with Max, Tyler would have me lie on my stomach with his hand between me and the floor to see if he could feel Max move. It never worked :) but it was cute that he wanted to be a part of it all. What a cute dad Josh is going to be! I LOVE the name...is it short for something? I've always planned on having an Addison and calling her Addie...so I hope you don't mind if we copy.