July 21, 2009


It seems like the month of July has just flown right by us!! I blinked and suddenly its July 21st. Which of course means Addie's due date was tomorrow, granted our plans would have likely meant her being born a couple weeks ago. Nevertheless, this was her date of entrance into the world. I thought I would feel more sad when it finally got here, yet, the peace that I had 7 weeks ago still holds today. I am so glad that it will probably last thru my entire life here on this earth. Granted we have still had moments that have been tough and always will, but the overriding emotion is peace. We are so blessed to have had the time we did have before she died, regardless of it all being in the womb. I talked with my grandmother, one of the greatest women I know, and she told me of how when she lost her little baby Berdine that her and my grandfather had been given so much strength to get thru it, almost as if they were given that strength to help others who were grieving their loss as well. She has been such an example and strength to us now, I love everything about her!!

As for the rest of our life Josh is still stressed out about work. I am sure I don't make it easier for him, he strives so hard to do such a perfect job! I got a great haircut, makes me feel so pretty. Heehee. We went and saw the Harry Potter movie, we loved it. We are glad we have the means to go out on dates every now and than. We have had an abundance of people over for dinner in the last week. This included the missionaries and my cousin and his wife. It has been such fun to be so social. I may enjoy it more than Josh he loves just staying home and spending time with me, I completely don't deserve him!! I did get a little flu bug yesterday, had me home from work puking anything I put in. And once again my amazing Josh came to the rescue, so worried about me and making sure I had anything I needed. I love this man, I probably don't say it enough but I sure do!!


The Nicks Family said...

I hope you both know how amazing you are! And are such examples to me. I love you guys and can't wait to see you in November!

Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

I love you both so much, I am so grateful for the opportunity we had to share Addalyns' birth with you, it was a special and very spiritual experience for me. I am glad you love each other, keep on taking such good care of your relationship! Love ya MOM

Jessica said...

What a great post! I loved reading ALL your words - as I know how you feel. What a great bond you and Josh have and THAT bond will give you all the strength you need.

I sure hope I can avoid that flu bug!

Matt and Serenity Stewart said...

I love you guys so much!!! You really are great examples!!! Even though she isn't here to share my birthday. I will always think of her!!! We need to get together again!!! It was so much fun. Love ya and miss ya~~

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

You two are so awesome! I admire you both so much, you are an amazing example to all those around you.

Unknown said...

You are adorable. . I love your new haircut! You both seem like a perfect match. . .a match made in heaven. Isnt the plan of salvation amazing! You are such an example of how we all should be when life gives us trials!