June 3, 2009

A moment in our arms... Forever in our hearts.

Most everyone has heard by now that our little girl died. She was born Friday May 29, 2009. She was so beautiful, it was very hard to know that we won't see her again in this lifetime. At the same time we know without any doubt that she is with her Father in Heaven where she is meant to be. We loved our little girl and cherish the special spirit she has. We spent some beautiful time with her body before the service. We were allowed to dress her in a blessing gown and say our last goodbyes. It was very emotional but so peaceful seeing her. Afterwards we held a graveside service for her in the Brigham City Cemetary. They have a little area called babyland, where other grieving mothers and fathers have laid there angel babies to rest as well. The spirit at this service was so strong and all the people who turned out in support of our trial was amazing. I felt so much love, not only from the family and friends in our life but also from my Father above. I know that He loves me and He will help me thru this trial He has given Josh and I. I cannot say that it is easy but the blessing to carry and give a body to such a sweet spirit has been an honor.

I love Josh and feel blessed that he is the man he is and has been right here with me facing this same trial. I am thankful for this gospel and the opportunity I have to have it in my life. Without the knowledge of eternal life and eternal families I would not be able to cope with the loss of my Adalyn. I am thankful for my mothers', who without hesitation have been here for us and helped thru our grieving by their brave examples. I am thankful for our fathers' who have shared in our loss and emotion just as any other. And lastly I am thankful for all the other great family that have been here for us and mourned with us.

I felt the silence the morning she was born, yet I felt an undeniable peace in my heart that I will see her again and have the opportunity to raise my sweet angel baby, my sweet Adalyn Grace.

P.S. Her dress was made with so much love and devotion by her Grandma Bryant.


Matt and Serenity Stewart said...

I love you guys! What a wonderful message Elise!!! You really are an amazing woman! love you lots!

Katie, Adam, Izzy & Emmy said...

That was beautiful Elise..you are so amazing, i love you so much and thanks so much for sharing...

Jessica said...

OH Josh and Elise.... My heart is just broke for you. You will be in my prayers - we all need to have a little extra prayer in our behalf - right?
I just lost a baby girl in February - Rabecca Mae - and let me tell you my emotions are still raw, and so as I type this my eyes are filled with tears. You are right - your faith, testimony, and our gracious Father in Heaven will help ease the burden. It is so wonderful to know what we know.
YOU guys have a perfect little child. All that little girl needed was that tiny body and can you believe the work she is doing?

I know you didn't go into detail on {why} and so I don't know if you would be willing to share little Adyln's story but I would LOVE to listen. jessicadriggs@hotmail.com
(I went to school with Josh)

Jessica said...

I just wanted to add that her dress is absolutely beautiful. What a special little dress.

Darcie said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have felt that same peaceful feeling when we lost our three babies and I know that it is Heavenly Father comforting us. Please feel free to email me if you ever need to just talk. I went to high school with Josh.
My thought and prayers are with you.

Sarah and Trent said...

Hey Lisa - I just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. It seems so tough what we must go through sometimes, but your sweet testimony was very touching and something that helped me as well.

Heavenly Father loves you and knows you. You are incredible and will someday be able to raise your sweet baby.

I love you and am so grateful for everything you have done for me. Thank you for your sweet words when I miscarried. I wish there was more I could do to help, just know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. You are so beautiful!

Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

Absolutely beautiful, so well said! It was an amazing service, so full of Heavenly Fathers' spirit. And yes heavenly Father is there, and he does answer our prayers, I love you guys.

The Neads said...

When I heard what had happened my heart fell to pieces... Our prayers were with you.. what strong parents you two are to have to go through something like that.. Thank you for being such great examples of God's love..

Dax and Steph said...

We felt so bad that we missed the services. Dax checked his e-mail on Tuesday night! We wish we could have been there. We love you and are grateful for your strong testimonies. Thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts. You are in our prayers! Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

That was such a beautiful tribute to your litte baby. You and Josh are amazing and strong people. I admire you both so much. My heart aches for you guys, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help. What a beautiful dress.... thanks for sharing.

Northern Nickle Clan said...

Hey Josh and Elise,

Found your blog through Josh's mom. Our prayers are with you. I have known a few people who have lost their precious babies, including a dear friend of mine whom lost twin girls a few years ago. And I miscarried a baby earlier this year. No one can say they know how you feel because we are all so different. But we can all pray for you and tell you that we love and support you. You don't know me well. I know Josh a little. My sister, Mary, and him were good friends. But, I want you to know that even if I don't know you well, my heart goes out to you. I think of you every day and pray for you just as often! Hang in there!!!

Sierra said...

I am so sorry for your loss. It's a comfort to know the plan of salvation, that you will hold your little girl again. You've been blessed with such a special spirit in your family.

I am an old friend of Josh's family from back in their Hooper days. I am again, sorry, and my prayers are with you. Let them know my family is thinking of you all

Cason and Katie Jo Chambers said...

Elise- I am so sorry for the loss of your baby girl. That was a wonderful message of the plan of salvation. I know also, that you will be with her in the eternities. Much Love, Katie Jo