October 27, 2008

Holy Update!!!!!!!!!

Wow its amazing we are updating our blog!! Well despite the fact that it has been over a month since we updated our blog there really isn't much excitement in our lives. We have just been working away. My new job is stressful and really makes me work on thinking nice thoughts, lol, alot of my staff do silly things and truly test my patience. It is great to be able to come home and just be with Josh, literally ALL my headaches go away when it is just him and I. Granted it doesn't happen very often and even when it does I get a million phone calls from work anyways. Well enough venting about my silly staff.... Josh is doing really good he is looking for a seasonal job to bring in some extra money for bills until he starts back at school in the spring, lets cross our fingers...
We have been so busy just trying to find time to sit, lately we have been borrowing old classics from my grandparents and watching a movie late at night once or twice a week. It has been so fun not only because the movies are great but it is like our designated "couple time", as cliche as that sounds. We are still teaching our primary class and sometimes they too add to my headaches, ;).
The only really new update we have is that my sister Crystal had her baby and she is the most gorgeous baby ever. I guess I am a little biased, just wait when we have our own baby that will be the most gorgeous baby ever. Anyhoo she is getting blessed the first weekend of November and we will be heading down to Utah for that. Since I am the proudest Aunt in all the world, once again biased, I am going to finish my post with a picture of that adorable little creature.
Little Ashtyn Brooke
Okay so I posted 2 pics... I couldnt resist

1 comment:

Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

Oh Elise, she is adorable, give her a hug and squeeze for me! Keep thinking those positive thoughts and maybe your staff will magically stop giving you all of that stress! Love ya