March 30, 2008

Moving on Up!

So we changed our wedding day. YAY!! Mostly for us and not our parents. Lol. We Moved our wedding date up to May 2nd due to conflicts with school and other feelings that it would just be best. Hopefully this doesn't throw off anybody's plans and you will still be able to make it. The wedding is still planned for the Rexburg temple (until they tell us when they open on tuesday that there isn't any time available). We are really excited, I'm still adjusting to the shock that in 4 weeks I will be married. Josh won't stop babbling about all the plans so I know he is just as excited as I am. So if we don't already have your addresses please send them our way so we can send them out next week. Love you all! Josh and Elise


The Nicks Family said...

I am so sad but we will not be able to be there. Dang you for moving it up! I am totally kidding, I totally understand why you would, I would have too if I were in your situation. Josh know that I wish I could be there, as one of my closest cousins, I hate that I am missing this. I will be thinking of you both!! And we will have to make sure we come to a family thing at the same time, so I can meet you Elise. Love ya!

Darcie said...

Hi I'm a friend of Josh's from Highschool. I was excited to find your blog. When did you get married?? Congrats!!!
Check out my blog
Hope all is well!!

The Nicks Family said...

When do we get see pictures! I am so sad I missed it, but can't wait to see your pictures. I hope it was everything you both imagined! I can't wait to see you guys!!