May 6, 2009

New Doctors, New Experiences

It's hard to believe that its only been a month since I posted last. We spent the majority of our weekends in Utah dealing with the stress of life. Which to elaborate on that I guess I better start out at the beginning. So we have had a couple of follow up ultra sounds since we first found out about the baby's echogenic bowel. The first was on April 7th, they found that her bowel was dialated even more. So once again I set up another appointment with the specialist that comes to Pocatello from Salt Lake. That appointment was on the 17th. In only 10 days between the appointments her bowel had gotten even bigger. After the specialist saw this he felt that the reason for the dialated bowel was an obstruction and that she probably would require early delivery in Salt Lake. He set up an appointment for us down in Salt Lake to meet with a whole other slew of doctors. On the 27th we headed down to Utah, where we met Josh's parents for lunch and went to University of Utah hospital and met with a high risk OB specialist. She did another ultra sound checked the bowel and answered all our questions. All in all she was great, she let us know that the baby wouldn't have to come early and I wouldnt have to have a ceasearan. HUGE RELIEF on both counts. She decided that I need to be living in Utah by 36 weeks in case of early delivery and at 38 weeks they would induce me. After that appointment we headed over to Primary Children's to meet with the pediatric surgeons. The surgeon showed us some of the ways her bowel could be obstructed. She told us that the average stay after a bowel obstruction surgery was about 6 weeks, however it could be less or it could be more. From there we got to take a tour of the NICU where she will go to stay until she is fully recovered. The nurse giving the tour was a great help, and even though we don't like the situation we are in we feel completely confident in the doctor's we have been blessed with. The good news out of all of this is that most likely once they fix the obstruction Addie will be able to grow up healthy and enjoy a lively childhood.

Beyond hospital drama we got good news that Josh got the promotion, yay for us!! We also spent time in Utah for my mom's birthday and my brother Alex's birthday. We decided til our next appointment we are going to stay grounded in Pocatello. We are all but sick of traveling! We also hit our milestone 1 year anniversary. It has been a year of highs, lows, and a truckload of new experiences. We will keep plugging away at our next truckload for the next 100 years, I'm just so excited for what more can come... ;)


Matt and Serenity Stewart said...

I love you Elise! Can't wait to see you this weekend!!! I am so excited. I am glad everything is going good!

Micah and Marilee Woolstenhulme said...

That is such great news Elise (that the baby can be helped with surgery and things look good following that)! I love the picture with the pregnant tummy. You are so beautiful! I am so excited for you guys! Micah and I love you both!

Shayle said...

We were so relieved to hear that everything is looking up for you guys. On a side note, I was given some maternity clothes and was wondering if you would like them. My land lord was going to give them away and I told her I would take them, and then I though of you and wondered if you would like them. There are 2 pants and I think 4 shirts. The pants are so cute!! The shirts are cute, some are a little run down. Let me know if you want them and well figure out a pick up. Love you guys and glad all is well!

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

That stinks that she will have to have surgery, but I'm so happy that she should be ok after that. We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers!

Shayle said...

Hey Elise sorry I have been a slacker about getting back to you. We will be out of town on Saturday, but you can swing by our house if you want and I'll have the clothes just inside the door. Email me and let me know if that sounds good and if so I will send you my address.
Hope I hear from you soon
Love you guys, Shayle

The Neads said...

Sounds like Heavenly Father is watching over you guys, and your baby.. let me know if I can do anything.. Good luck.. We'll keep you in our prayers

Danalin said...

Man, what a trip! I am so glad that everything is going well and that the doctors are on top of things. My prayers have been sent your way. You look so beautiful, Elise. Hopefully things can be calm for a while...